Delegation: Leaders Should Make as Few Decisions as Possible
By Michael Adams
The lack of proper delegation of decision making to lower level managers and employees is the single largest factor in stunted business growth. Without a clear systematic process for delegation, leaders eventually hit their leadership lid and business growth is stifled.
Delegation is not tasking others with work that needs to be done. Delegating means that you have the right people in place, that they have clearly defined objectives that meet the SMART test, (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Reasonable, and Time-bound) and they understand how to develop the initiatives to meet the objective.
Delegation, the Shift of Decision Making To a Lower Level
There are identifiable symptoms that leaders are not delegating; they are not using a systematic approach to delegation; they micro managers; and company growth is slow or stunted.
Symptoms of poor company delegation include improperly trained employees who are unsure and unclear on authority and responsibility, plagued by slow decision making, un-promotable; frequently miss deadlines and need to be cleaned up after.
Systematic delegation means your company has a systematic way of delegating the decision making process to lower levels of management. It must allow for alignment to company objectives, strategies and ideologies and create a framework within which decisions can be made and the results measured.
When a company’s growth becomes stunted, many times it can be traced to the lack of proper delegation as outlined above. Proper delegation means managers can use their properly directed, creative talents to move the company along. When delegation is coupled with a proper understanding of the decision making process it brings with it the power to transform a single phased business to a powerhouse that exercises the strengths and talents of the entire organization.
Make it Work With V3 Leadership System
The lack of delegation is at the root of many small to medium sized business problems. Ignoring the many symptoms related to poor delegation only serves to deepen the divide.
At the root of motivation is the movement of a person or organization to clearly defined goals and objectives. The word is actually derived from motive which means exactly that, purposely moving toward a goal. Emerald’s V3 Leadership system includes a business infrastructure tht empowers leaders to clearly define and implement objectives in a way that makes delegation a disciplined part of the process of running the business. Once VLS is in place, leaders can work on the business while VLS runs it.
V3 Leadership System Overview
V1 – Vision Setting Premise V2 –Vision Enabling Strategy V3 – Vision Empowered Results
VLS runs the business so CEO’s and owners can grow their business. VLS empowers leaders in the development of their managers and engages them in building business.
Emerald provides consulting services to support the installation and implementation of VLS
An important aspect of Emeralds VLS support services is the use of a sophisticated strengths assessment process developed and implemented by Emerald, it identifies and deploys management strengths and leadership styles.
About the Author
| Michael Adams, Emerald Business Services P.O. Box 1875 Ramona, CA 92065 619-985-0799
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