A Winning Mindset
By Daniel Rip
Lately, I've found myself writing about attitude as a Management Tip as much as I have trained and written about management techniques. Interestingly, in my own business experience, it’s not just strategies and tactics that win the battle. I have seen executives, managers and small business owners work themselves silly with the most advanced, elegant strategies and campaigns that end up producing nothing—and I’ve witnessed folks who just plain got the job done with very simple plans.
What’s the critical difference? Sometimes it’s very hard to say, but my observations have led me to believe that the key is mindset. If my mindset is, “I have the opportunity and the resources to become a big success in my field,” then I am likely to experience solid success in most things I endeavor. On the other hand, if I am in the mindset of, “I’ll try this for a while and see if it will work,” I am almost certain to be disappointed at every turn.
Seems strange, doesn't it? I can't explain this mystery, but I can say that the belief behind the action is that special “X” Factor. Don't just "try" stuff. Study, observe, test, execute. Get yourself in a place where you can truly believe that your efforts are on-target—then pour yourself into them unreservedly, enter the field and don't look back!
About the Author
 | Daniel Rip, Ovation Consulting Bountiful, UT 84010
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