92024, Encinitas, California - January 11, 2022
Management Consulting$75.00 to $250.00 per hour I rarely charge by the hour...it's a terrible way to get consulting advice. I help companies by charging them a monthly retainer for all the work they need and ALWAYS give them back more than they pay me in productivity gains, expense reductions or both.
Reported by: Rod Swartwood, HR Prime, LLC |
92024, Encinitas, California - February 26, 2020
Human Resources Consultants & Advisors$100.00 to $200.00 per hour Per hour is not the way to go. We charge a monthly fee of between $4,000 and $10,000 depending on what needs to be done and we ALWAYS give back more than you pay us in lower vendor costs, improved productivity and increased profits. Using HR Prime on a stipend basis ends up being a positive investment for your firm.
Reported by: Rod Swartwood, HR Prime, LLC |
92117, San Diego, California - September 11, 2021
Human Resources Consultants & Advisors$175.00 to $250.00 per hour
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
92101, San Diego, California - January 25, 2019
Management Consulting$170.00 to $220.00 per hour More than 20 years industry experience.
Reported by: Jacqueline Hull, Diamond Consulting Partners |
92129, San Diego, California - December 22, 2015
Management Consulting$150.00 to $375.00 per hour Depending on the services and length of the engagement
Reported by: Gary Rossi, The Coaches |
92102, San Diego, California - July 22, 2014
Management Consulting$35.00 to $100.00 per hour Consulting services include setup, programming philosophy, marketing and advertising, production, and proposal writing.
Reported by: Tayari Howard, Tayari Media Group, Inc. |