The Challenge to Change
By Zen Benefiel
We know, or at least some have a sense, that all things are connected – a holistic model of consciousness permeates creation. Quantum sciences are pointing toward this as fact now. We still choose to separate ourselves from others today, though.
Fear is being promoted at the very top of national leadership across the world. Even when prompted to contact or communicate with another, our 'logic' often prohibits the interaction due to fear of misunderstanding, rejection or threat of appearing less than what we think we should.
Can we affect change where primary belief systems seem diametrically opposed? Can we offer a solution? Do we really want solutions? It has taken us centuries to arrive at the present conditions. Can or will it change in a few years? Will we rise above fear and embrace a new way?
How can we open our minds to something we've never experienced? What if we were able to acknowledge the obvious? Our minds and hearts are still in opposition, we fear what we do not know or have not experienced.
Oftentimes a new experience brings such a ‘rush’ of energy that we confuse it as a threat rather than a thread in the fabric of our evolution. We lock up – the fight or flight syndrome so common in psychology.
Are these our only choices? Do we have yet another choice yet unexplored? We can rise in consciousness but we actually take the mandatory rollercoaster ride to get there. It is our unconscious patterned desire for continued separation that inhibits our ability to connect, a pattern so deep and in such conflict with self/Self that wars are fought across the planet because of it.
Ancient Mayan and even Sanskrit terms in use today indicate we might want to consider some alternatives. ‘In lakesh’ (I am another you) and ‘Namasté’ (internal and external obeisance to thee) both acknowledge the oneness in self and others.
The humble bow of recognition that is part of many cultures moves us closer toward a sense of unity or at least understanding. It is more than respect. I am challenged to see and sense myself in another, even with the extensive experience and knowing of this truth and an attitude of gratitude. What about those unaware?
The Internet brings us closer in communication and yet further apart from physical communion with others. What do we really want anyway? The hot new belief system says we can attract what we want by identifying what we desire, giving it attention, and allowing it to happen.navigate
Easier said than done, yet it warrants further consideration for sure. Implementing an action plan that creates the magnet for the desire to manifest is the key that we seem to ignore, thinking that we can defy known scientific rules: potential energy remains at rest until acted upon.
Conversely it is an obvious strain in feeling and logic to eliminate the concept of identifying what we don't want in order to move closer to what we do. Still the objective is to create, co-create or construct new thoughtforms of a stronger magnetism that allows matter and spirit to coalesce in accordance with this new living awareness. I've heard it called 'structural tension' as an element in the creative process. How do we make the process simple?
Simplicity of being, doing and having is the goal for all spiritual seekers, allowing the greater consciousness to permeate their worlds and guide their daily movements. Simple gratification and validation is also the goal of most individuals in daily living, unconsciously desiring to love and be loved in the spirit of oneness. We talk a good line, but the result is tainted with pushing or pulling energy to move as many mountains as possible with as little effort as we can muster.
This is not to say that humans are lazy, yet they do tend to avoid the stretch to actually make things simple in their daily lives, let alone shift into a heart-centered awareness. Once a heart-centered awareness is achieved, though, the knowing moves us toward more prudent paths.
Our perceived intelligence often convinces us not to listen to the still small voice within, even after a so-called 'spiritual awakening.' We rarely challenge the notion of duality, yet it is the stumbling block laid before us in our quest to find balance and harmony.
Even science and religion strive to find harmony in their expressions of reality and thousands of books have been written on the subject of Unity… unified field theory to universal love, M Theory to The Masters of the Far East and much more. How can we simplify?
Would it be easier to simply look at the existing systems in our global economy, for instance, and focus on developing life-friendly processes and protocols? How can we better manage our resources, both human and material, while promoting a sense of unification without subjugation?
We are faced with choices on a moment to moment basis, pushed and pulled by this or that to make a decision about our lives, great or small. Granted some do not want to choose, they simply want to follow or be told what to do so they do not have to be accountable or responsible for their actions. It is far easier a path to be led than to lead. It is a challenge to think, let alone change.
Something to consider is that challenge and change are only 3 letters different. Take out the 'lle' and change is automatic. I like to offer that the 'lle' stands for 'liability, limitation and excuse' and all fall into the personal capacity realm first, but extend into the group, organization or team when facing goals and objectives. Consider the identification and systematic elimination of those items in yourself and/or your organization. What might happen as a result?
About the Author
 | Zen Benefiel, Be The Dream LLC 1863 W Homestead Dr Chandler, AZ 85286 480-633-7179
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